CAPITAN NOVARA - A DAY SUPERHERO (info: http://www.ungiornodasupereroe.it/ ), the first short film inspired by the superhero Captain Novara (directed Baggio and Luca Fabrizio De Fabritiis - production Emmetre Service Sas ) wins "Best Short Film" the National Competition "SHORTS IN THE CLOUDS 2009" (info: http://cortitralenuvole.blogspot.com/ ), svoltosi a Vercelli Sabato 19 settembre 2009 .
La Giuria, diretta dalla Prof.ssa Paola Bernascone Cappi (Presidente Università Popolare di Vercelli), e composta da Guido Michelone (giornalista, saggista e critico), Davide Celoria (regista); Enrico Terrone (critico cinematografico), Alessia Di Giovanni (scrittrice, sceneggiatrice e videomaker) con Presidente onorario Paolo Zaniboni (disegnatore di Diabolik), ha decretato il successo di CAPITAN NOVARA - UN GIORNO DA SUPEREROE fra ben 20 short films in competition (selected from among hundreds of titles that came in from all over Italy), assessing various aspects including the relevance to the theme of the competition (the comics) and the choices of direction.
addition to the award for best short film in CAPITAN NOVARA - A DAY SUPERHERO were awarded two other major awards: People's University Award, which went to "Oblivion" of David Losa and Alberto Riccio Award and Special Mention "Courts in the clouds 2009" awarded to "Berserk - The Black Swordman" of Francesco Sanseverino.
Finally, a proper thanks to all the extraordinary young staff CAPITAN NOVARA - A DAY SUPERHERO who have worked hard throughout the summer to the creation of this beautiful work, which began as a joke, and instead, there is really giving gradissime emotions!
La Giuria, diretta dalla Prof.ssa Paola Bernascone Cappi (Presidente Università Popolare di Vercelli), e composta da Guido Michelone (giornalista, saggista e critico), Davide Celoria (regista); Enrico Terrone (critico cinematografico), Alessia Di Giovanni (scrittrice, sceneggiatrice e videomaker) con Presidente onorario Paolo Zaniboni (disegnatore di Diabolik), ha decretato il successo di CAPITAN NOVARA - UN GIORNO DA SUPEREROE fra ben 20 short films in competition (selected from among hundreds of titles that came in from all over Italy), assessing various aspects including the relevance to the theme of the competition (the comics) and the choices of direction.
addition to the award for best short film in CAPITAN NOVARA - A DAY SUPERHERO were awarded two other major awards: People's University Award, which went to "Oblivion" of David Losa and Alberto Riccio Award and Special Mention "Courts in the clouds 2009" awarded to "Berserk - The Black Swordman" of Francesco Sanseverino.
Finally, a proper thanks to all the extraordinary young staff CAPITAN NOVARA - A DAY SUPERHERO who have worked hard throughout the summer to the creation of this beautiful work, which began as a joke, and instead, there is really giving gradissime emotions!
Thank you all!
Soon more info and pictures!
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