Thursday, December 24, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Convert Sony Duo Memory To Sd Card
Fabritiis - CARTOON EXPLOSION! "... One of the best examples of how comics can be used to create and enhance business ..." The short film Captain
Dal blog di Fabrizio De Fabritiis , un bell'intervento sull'iniziativa legata a Capitan Novara , direttamente dal sito http://www.ondequadre.polito.it/index.php
. FABRIZIO DE FABRITIIS - FUMETTISTA ESPLOSIVO!!!: "... uno dei massimi esempi di come il fumetto possa essere utilizzato per creare e incrementare business..."
eh, quando you read things like this, I am rewarding!
Dal blog di Fabrizio De Fabritiis , un bell'intervento sull'iniziativa legata a Capitan Novara , direttamente dal sito http://www.ondequadre.polito.it/index.php
. FABRIZIO DE FABRITIIS - FUMETTISTA ESPLOSIVO!!!: "... uno dei massimi esempi di come il fumetto possa essere utilizzato per creare e incrementare business..."
eh, quando you read things like this, I am rewarding!
Friday, November 20, 2009
How To Get A Platypus

CAPITAN NOVARA - A DAY SUPERHERO will be broadcast on COMING SOON TELEVISION , within the program SHORT STORIES Monday November 30 at 23.00 and replication Tuesday, December 1 at 12:00 . The movie, winner of the national SHORTS IN THE CLOUDS of Vercelli, a small presentation will precedutioda Daniele Statella , the organizer of the event.
Do not miss it for anything ... It's worth it!
On Coming Soon channel 180 of Sky and digital terrestrial . Visible streaming .
Monday, November 16, 2009
Remove Burn Stains Lecruset
is finally the official trailer for the short film Captain NOVARA - A DAY SUPERHERO!
All the latest news on the film of Captain found on the official site and PAGE FACEBOOK!
is finally the official trailer for the short film Captain NOVARA - A DAY SUPERHERO!
All the latest news on the film of Captain found on the official site and PAGE FACEBOOK!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Write Something About You Facebook Ideas
ROMABOT CENTURION, the first graphic novel about the Italian robottoni!
Straight from the set of GENERAL VARESE, is going to get the graphic novel ROMABOT CENTURION of Fabrizio De Fabritiis and Daniel Rudolph !
Stay tuned!
Straight from the set of GENERAL VARESE, is going to get the graphic novel ROMABOT CENTURION of Fabrizio De Fabritiis and Daniel Rudolph !
Stay tuned!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Parts Needed To Make Coyote Snares
Great evening with the screening of films A DAY CAPTAIN NOVARA-superhero in Taino (Va)! CAPITAN

Friday November 13 at 21:00 at the Elm Centre in Taino (VA), in the main square, there will be a great and nice evening with a screening of the film-short film Captain NOVARA-A DAY SUPERHERO (Fabrizio De Luca Baggio and Fabritiis - http://www.ungiornodasupereroe.it/ ), winner of the National Court between THE CLOUDS 2009 in Vercelli.
For the occasion, in addition to the screening of the film, will also be shown videos of backstage and there will be a nice round table with all the staff memb, all interspersed with moments of musical concerts and Continual DRIFT Darkshine CURSE , two of the band who worked on the soundtrack to the film. Sepecial Guest: Thomas and Matthew Perazzo with their musica Jazz.
L'ingresso è libero... VI ASPETTIAMO NUMEROSI!!!
For the occasion, in addition to the screening of the film, will also be shown videos of backstage and there will be a nice round table with all the staff memb, all interspersed with moments of musical concerts and Continual DRIFT Darkshine CURSE , two of the band who worked on the soundtrack to the film. Sepecial Guest: Thomas and Matthew Perazzo with their musica Jazz.
L'ingresso è libero... VI ASPETTIAMO NUMEROSI!!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Fotos De Lorena Herrera
NOVARA MAGAZINE 4 - On October 27 newsstands Novara and VCO province - from November in the best Italian comics!
Capitan Novara Magazine N.4 (Ottobre 2009/Marzo 2010) - Spillato, 40 pagine+cover a colori - Euro 3.00. N
Cover: Illustration of Fabrizio De Fabritiis - Colors Daniel Rudolph
In this issue:
- Arona: First Series Collection Episodes of
- CAPITAN NOVARA VS Arona: "REALITY BLOOD!" - Part One - ( Fabritiis Fabrizio De Francesco Catalano, Aurelio Mazzara, Enrico Galli )
- EXCLUSIVE: Special "CAPITAN NOVARA: A BY DAY SUPERHERO ", the film based on the Captain, with interviews, background information, images, and curiosity about the protagonists of a great first film adaptation of the world Capitan Novara ( http://www.ungiornodasupereroe.it/ )!
- TORINO DOCTOR: Special Episode 'TRUTH' HIDDEN ' ( Fabrizio De Fabritiis, Benjamin Delvecchio, Svetlana Delvecchio )
- ITALY COMMANDER: THE ORIGINS " ( Fabrizio De Fabritiis, Michela Da Sacco, Luca Bonisoli, Ivan Annibali )
Finalmente è arrivata CAPITAN NOVARA MAGAZINE 4 !
DaL 27 Ottobre 2009 nelle EDICOLE di Novara , VCO e provincia e da Novembre nelle migliori FUMETTERIE ITALIANE!!!
DaL 27 Ottobre 2009 nelle EDICOLE di Novara , VCO e provincia e da Novembre nelle migliori FUMETTERIE ITALIANE!!!
N. E107 - Sezione EDITORI - Padiglione NAPOLEONE
N. E107 - Sezione EDITORI - Padiglione NAPOLEONE

Cover: Illustration of Fabrizio De Fabritiis - Colors Daniel Rudolph
In this issue:
- Arona: First Series Collection Episodes of

- CAPITAN NOVARA VS Arona: "REALITY BLOOD!" - Part One - ( Fabritiis Fabrizio De Francesco Catalano, Aurelio Mazzara, Enrico Galli )

- EXCLUSIVE: Special "CAPITAN NOVARA: A BY DAY SUPERHERO ", the film based on the Captain, with interviews, background information, images, and curiosity about the protagonists of a great first film adaptation of the world Capitan Novara ( http://www.ungiornodasupereroe.it/ )!

- TORINO DOCTOR: Special Episode 'TRUTH' HIDDEN ' ( Fabrizio De Fabritiis, Benjamin Delvecchio, Svetlana Delvecchio )

- ITALY COMMANDER: THE ORIGINS " ( Fabrizio De Fabritiis, Michela Da Sacco, Luca Bonisoli, Ivan Annibali )
Polaris 500 Xc Clutch Bolt Torque
Ecco di seguito le nuovissime e bellissime tovagliette di OTTOBRE-NOVEMBRE 2009 !!!
CAPITAN NOVARA (Episode 28) "DOCTOR TURIN . Story, screenplay and lyrics: FABRIZIO DE Fabritiis - Designs: CONVERSANO ANTONIO - Colors: FABRIZIO DE Fabritiis
ARONA (Episode 16) "end of a nightmare" . Story, screenplay and lyrics: FABRIZIO DE Fabritiis - Designs: Manuela Soriani - Colors: Francesco Zambon
GENEARL VARESE 12 - "death of God" . Subject, screenplay, lyrics: FABRIZIO DE Fabritiis - Designs and clolor: Enrico Galli .
CAPITAN NOVARA REPRINT SERIES (Episode 6) "TWO AGAINST ALL" . Story, screenplay and lyrics, drawings FABRIZIO DE Fabritiis - Colors: DANIELE Rudolph
Ecco di seguito le nuovissime e bellissime tovagliette di OTTOBRE-NOVEMBRE 2009 !!!

ARONA 16 - "End of a nightmare"

GENEARL VARESE 12 - "Death of a God!"

CAPITAN NOVARA REPRINT 6 - "Two against all"

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Concept Art Drawing Cars
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Right Leg Pain Driving
"Capitan Novara - A DAY SUPERHERO" won the Best Short Film Award at the National Competition SHORTS IN THE CLOUDS 2009

CAPITAN NOVARA - A DAY SUPERHERO (info: http://www.ungiornodasupereroe.it/ ), the first short film inspired by the superhero Captain Novara (directed Baggio and Luca Fabrizio De Fabritiis - production Emmetre Service Sas ) wins "Best Short Film" the National Competition "SHORTS IN THE CLOUDS 2009" (info: http://cortitralenuvole.blogspot.com/ ), svoltosi a Vercelli Sabato 19 settembre 2009 .
La Giuria, diretta dalla Prof.ssa Paola Bernascone Cappi (Presidente Università Popolare di Vercelli), e composta da Guido Michelone (giornalista, saggista e critico), Davide Celoria (regista); Enrico Terrone (critico cinematografico), Alessia Di Giovanni (scrittrice, sceneggiatrice e videomaker) con Presidente onorario Paolo Zaniboni (disegnatore di Diabolik), ha decretato il successo di CAPITAN NOVARA - UN GIORNO DA SUPEREROE fra ben 20 short films in competition (selected from among hundreds of titles that came in from all over Italy), assessing various aspects including the relevance to the theme of the competition (the comics) and the choices of direction.
addition to the award for best short film in CAPITAN NOVARA - A DAY SUPERHERO were awarded two other major awards: People's University Award, which went to "Oblivion" of David Losa and Alberto Riccio Award and Special Mention "Courts in the clouds 2009" awarded to "Berserk - The Black Swordman" of Francesco Sanseverino.
Finally, a proper thanks to all the extraordinary young staff CAPITAN NOVARA - A DAY SUPERHERO who have worked hard throughout the summer to the creation of this beautiful work, which began as a joke, and instead, there is really giving gradissime emotions!
La Giuria, diretta dalla Prof.ssa Paola Bernascone Cappi (Presidente Università Popolare di Vercelli), e composta da Guido Michelone (giornalista, saggista e critico), Davide Celoria (regista); Enrico Terrone (critico cinematografico), Alessia Di Giovanni (scrittrice, sceneggiatrice e videomaker) con Presidente onorario Paolo Zaniboni (disegnatore di Diabolik), ha decretato il successo di CAPITAN NOVARA - UN GIORNO DA SUPEREROE fra ben 20 short films in competition (selected from among hundreds of titles that came in from all over Italy), assessing various aspects including the relevance to the theme of the competition (the comics) and the choices of direction.
addition to the award for best short film in CAPITAN NOVARA - A DAY SUPERHERO were awarded two other major awards: People's University Award, which went to "Oblivion" of David Losa and Alberto Riccio Award and Special Mention "Courts in the clouds 2009" awarded to "Berserk - The Black Swordman" of Francesco Sanseverino.
Finally, a proper thanks to all the extraordinary young staff CAPITAN NOVARA - A DAY SUPERHERO who have worked hard throughout the summer to the creation of this beautiful work, which began as a joke, and instead, there is really giving gradissime emotions!
Thank you all!
Soon more info and pictures!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
2007 Honda Pilot Front License Plate Holder
CAPITAN NOVARA - A DAY SUPERHERO ... the short film inspired by the exploits of Captain!
Ecco il trailer non ufficiale del primo cortrometraggio ispirato a Capitan Novara che parteciperà al concorso "CORTI FRA LE NUVOLE" a Vercelli il 19 settembre... a breve news, info e aggiornamenti ;)!
Ecco il trailer non ufficiale del primo cortrometraggio ispirato a Capitan Novara che parteciperà al concorso "CORTI FRA LE NUVOLE" a Vercelli il 19 settembre... a breve news, info e aggiornamenti ;)!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Cystitis In Cats And Antidepressants
NOVARA CAPITAN BEACH DAY postponed to Sunday, August 9! Sunday, August 2

Causa maltempo, il CAPITAN NOVARA BEACH DAY in programma per domenica 2 agosto alla piscina del centro sportivo l' Incontro di Romagnanao Sesia è stato rinviato a domenica prossima 9 agosto .
Il programma e le modalità della manifestazione potete trovarle QUI ...
Sperando in una fantastica giornata sunshine (we do a dance-Ray Nova in order to avoid the bad weather!), you renew the appointment and MANY COME!!
Il programma e le modalità della manifestazione potete trovarle QUI ...
Sperando in una fantastica giornata sunshine (we do a dance-Ray Nova in order to avoid the bad weather!), you renew the appointment and MANY COME!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thomson Dti6300 Freeview Box Manual
In case of bad weather, the event will be held Sunday August 9

After the successful first edition in July 2008, the returns NOVARA CAPITAN BEACH DAY, a fantastic day in the world of comics together with the authors of the Captain and his associates to be held Sunday August 2 the pool de l 'MEETING (info: http://www.l-incontro.net/ ) of Romagnano Sesia (No).
In a beautiful setting for relaxation, entertainment and fun will be possible to know closely the authors and designers Capitan Novara and getting a nice original design, in the afternoon "cartoon games" for children with AWARDS and free for all!
guest of honor will be the character of PHILIP CONFALMI , comic character of Confartigianato Lombardia (info: http://www.filippoconfalmi.it/ )!
To Capitan Novara will be present: the author Fabrizio De Fabritiis , Franco Mora and Daniel Rudolph.
In case of bad weather, the event will be held Sunday August 9
PROMOTION TO CAPTAIN ONLY NOVARA BEACH DAY printing the postcard of this post and an entry to the entry in the pool will be only 8.00 Euro , including many services!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Ohio Drivers License Renewal Prices
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Benjamin Button o Forrest Gump? E’ un accostamento inevitabile. Appena usciti dal cinema difficilmente penserete ad esprimere un giudizio a caldo sul film, piuttosto la sensazione sarà quella di un déjà vu concreto e ben delineato che accompagna ormai il cinema americano da quasi un secolo. L’interrogativo retorico suona dunque più come una provocazione verso un film ben rappresentativo di una realtà a stelle e strisce sempre più meticolosa nella cura dei dettagli e all’avanguardia nell’evoluzione tecnica ma incapace di rinnovarsi nei tratti essenziali; forse con poca voglia di (re)inventare e trasgredire, più attenta ai problemi pratici della recessione globale.

Benjamin Button è tutto questo; e un nuovo Forrest Gump che tenta disperatamente di uscire ancora una volta dall’ordinario per stupire attraverso la vita di un personaggio straordinario, ma che verrà ricordato solo per le buone intenzioni e le sue potenzialità inespresse: un bicchiere mezzo vuoto e non mezzo pieno. La tragicomica rassegnazione del tenente Dan o la commovente propensione materna della Signora Gump vengono ora sostituti da un capitano e una madre melensi che si esprimono tramite frasi fatte e didascaliche, protagonisti di episodi frettolosi e privi di tangibili contenuti che si susseguono senza lasciare il segno nelle tre ore interminabili shows. The love story between two protagonists, and re-center the mast, he loses all his childish innocence and destiny that binds two lives lost is the least necessary realism. Zemeckis's masterpiece we will not forget the brilliant stupidity of the character of Hanks and remember Button primarily for the infamous motion capture.
not matter if Roth (screenwriter of both films) and Fincher (formerly director of the psychotic Fight Club ) represent two icons of cinema outside the box and contradictory. The 'irrational euphoria' Forrest Gump that accompanied America for the '90s has now been completed for some time and seems to have also turned off all their extravagant and provocative nature. The recent flop de The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Oscar proves once again as a mix of big budget, advanced techniques and attachment to the majors is not necessarily synonymous with great films. 
Valerio Ferri
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Web Md And Levothyroxine And Ibuprofen
Then I have to post something .. the photos are horrible .. frettisssssima made just before packing .. prettiest things I had already given so I did not take pictures .. (This
pink cloud of course I made it to Aurora, the daughter of my dear friend MG and I must say that you liked it:) thank goodness ...
these trinkets below copiti I have a cute blog, I just printed the pictures and I forgot to save the blog ... : (But I promise that as soon as I find him I'll know who the author is giving it the consideration it deserves!
Then I have to post something .. the photos are horrible .. frettisssssima made just before packing .. prettiest things I had already given so I did not take pictures .. (This
pink cloud of course I made it to Aurora, the daughter of my dear friend MG and I must say that you liked it:) thank goodness ...
Maxi Mounds Schedule 2010
Christmas Greetings Cards
I post my best wishes to a world of sunshine, Tania who turned 15 on January 4 years:):)
Six, along with your brother the best reason to exist!
Up To Date Ovarian Cyst Thesis
Thanks Luisa are always the most active and stomolante .. the prize is sempatico and tasty that I just spoiled a bit 'to quote the blogs of others for fear of bother .. : (But I try.
The rules are simple: 8 proposals must list for 2009 and appoint additional 8 blog, this is the reward:

So the intentions are:
- concretely express affection to the people you love without being afraid to tell him
- continue to be an attentive mother, present and cuddly, even when children do not want pampering because now "are great")
- Be at peace with my conscience
- Losing quanche kilo ... (
- Use the platform every day, because, inter alia, costs a lot of money ..
- take better care of my health
- take a few more hours my parents
- Spend a little bit more time to myself ...........
and now the blog: (
But if you do not feel bad?:) If you notice it if they pass by chance ... :)
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