Reminiscent Artificial fun. The property has undergone almost no change from the past: three new stereotypes of the human personality for three different life stories, but in a new social context that is now being even more labyrinthine than their predecessors and anti-emptied " Bianco, rosso e Verdone ”, “Viaggi di Nozze” e “Un sacco bello”.
Ciò che salta subito all’occhio è una forte interrelazione con le precedenti creazioni dell’attore-regista romano: un’influenza che nei tr atti salienti della pellicola sembra assumere persino una forma di profonda dipedenza da essi e sulla quale il regista riesce ad ironizzare abilmente, come nell’emblematico “ (ri)famolo strano” dell’ultimo episodio. Soggetto e sceneggiatura restano ancora una volta asciutti e lineari, come tradizione verdoniana vuole; tuttavia la grande maggioranza degli sketch sembra rocking too much on the past, living in King ndita in an era which, in their little suit, without a genuine renewal of the St. istic and a more explicit and popular comedy. Consequently, the nostalgic smell that mpregna the atmosphere of the film may be treated to you stifling for those who have known Fr rdone tut you in the sauces, but its not a historical (and Stoic) admirer, while it should c omunque rip a variable number of giggles common observer, in proportion to s uo status and its propensity to gender.
deserves a special mention to the actor Verdone, now with a wealth of maturity and experience greater in front of his camera, although inevitably misfit in various circumstances where the mix of past and present appeared forced and unnatural in the least complex the film.
The feeling remains that of a short déjà vu strongly backed by commercial nostalgic fans of Verdone (at the same time the authors of the title), a kind of self-celebratory tribute to an artist who knew how to tell stories common through irony and a sarcastic humor typical of the cine-roman, which identifies the true founder and Deaf tut tora the highest exponent.

Valerio Ferri
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