Monday, December 29, 2008
Ge Convection Oven Not Working

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
What If I Leave Appenditis
Wall-E is primarily a visual experience: in a time like the present one, in which the high-speed communication (verbal) and technological dominate the contemporary socio-cultural film, this animated film (do not call it "cardboard") is primarily the merit of being able to convey emotions through a simple and basic use of images and admirable modern computerized cameras.
are just a few short sequences of frames to form the different narrative climax of the film. Instead, as illustrated by the authors wisely, the words may sometimes be necessary and end up building a wall of rubber between individuals and even within individual Ironically, almost wanting to point out, the robot protagonist does not speak and express themselves only through a broad range of sounds expression that allows him to pronounce the name of the hard-ROBOTTINA most advanced of which is love. The small and "insignificant" Wall-E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth -Class ), programmed to only compress and store the waste on Earth, not only is forced to deal with their emotional ups and downs, but improssivamente becomes the unwitting anti-hero of a story by the great universal filosociologici content. Robots programmed by humans now seem the real beings with "soul" (good or bad that siasuperflue and end pe), while the human race, lazy and empty, is slowly losing touch with the surrounding reality, totally subservient to the abuse of machines more intelligent and captious. All this takes place in futuristic space ship used as a mo 'iperprogredito of the planet, away from Earth, now uninhabited and full of waste, where it seems to have disappeared every trace of life ... The latest trial
produced by Disney Pixar's certainly something more than its predecessors and seems to want to pull strongly to the great Disney classics, that can apply to a target is also not strictly preteen. The great peculiarity of Wall-E is, however, able to take up the legacy of historic features such as 2001: Odissea nello spazio , Blade Runner , e i celebri capolavori di Charlot ; ai quali si ispira apertamente e rielaborati ora in chiave moderna ed innovativa. La storia del coraggioso Wall-E è anche un film
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Wooden Box Blueprints
Sono molto infastidita dal fatto che non posso postare nulla.. regali per il meeting, regali di Natale, regali per l'amore di bimba che deve nascere alla mia migliore amica... tutto segretissimo.. mi toccherà aspettare il dopo per mostrarli.. ma sto lavorando tantissimo e con grande soddisfazione ;)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Bushnell Tactical Elite 1x32 Vs Trophy 1x32
Per cominciare: De Niro e Al Pacino . Il resto? Difficile giudicare. Il rischio (elevatissimo) era che lo spettatore una volta uscito dalle sale avrebbe faticato persino a ricordare il titolo della pellicola e probabilmente le aspettative sono state ampiamente confermate. Inevitabile fare dei paragoni col passato; Avnet (il regista del film) non è Sc orzese , nè De Palma , nè Coppola e paga (in parte) il prezzo di aver scelto come interpreti due stelle universali del cinema, già ampiamente affermatesi. Si fa sentire notevolmente anche la mancanza dell’indimenticato Ferruccio Amendola , storico doppiatore di both in the movies that count, and is' also the first time De Niro and Al Pacino find themselves side by side in the role of protagonists. Only Heat had met in a very short sequence opposite one another, and this has resulted in an increase exponentially waiting for Righteous Kill .
This should not represent an enormous benificio for the film? In fact two such appearances included at center stage, they become cumbersome and almost ampiatamente undermine a structure that fight bitterly to support at least that would not look too much, in fact, transformed into a variable crazy: formidable collections and attracting public and critics, but bad for your interest turned to the rest of the film. The result that emerges is a modern crime thriller controversial, hard-working and unpretentious, a script peppered with too insistent from the outset and ultimately predictable to the end. Even the overflowing experience and boundless acting ability of the two protagonists are able to sustain a film born most likely to rely almost entirely on its own two sacred myths and their simultaneous presence. In short, do not take it A Vnet : his work appears only as a confrontation between De Niro and Al Pacino , although the end is only the viewer to emerge victorious.
Valerio Ferri
Friday, October 17, 2008
Desert Eagle For Stick Animator
La mitica Roberta, per festeggiare il suo 100° post, ha avuto un'idea fantastica, un CANDY DIY con scadenza a sorpresa, questo è il link:

Thursday, October 16, 2008
What' Job Doesa Loader Do
Guida Gloria Streaming
Monday, October 13, 2008
Number Of Slots In A Roulette Table
Carissima Luisa, tu non lo sai, ma negli ultimi giorni mi hai lanciato una sfida silenziosa.. e per questo ti devo ringraziare, mi hai detto più di una volta che non scrappo (ed è vero) ma non potevo sfuggire alla provocazione... :-) così ora non lo potrai dire più :P Queste sono un po' delle pagine del mio "Book of me", scrivero i dettagli nei prossimi giorni... GRAZIE LUISA SMACK... TVB (se non ci fossi dovremmo inventarti.. )
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Do I Cover My Rabbits Indoor Cage At Night
Special thanks also Roberta, his works are always adorable ... the tutorial of these babies is cute and I got the urge to try to make the puppies .. I hope you enjoy! They are simple, but if anyone needs a tutorial gladly do it to him :-)
Seancody Free Streaming
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Edd N Hardy Onlin Shopping

The well-balanced mix between horror and comedy if nothing else takes up a plot too superficial, monotonous and adolescents. One wonders therefore whether the film adaptation of an old legend so intriguing and provocative (especially from the commercial point of view) would not have had better luck in the hands of an artist and much quoted expert. In fact, the film is out for special merit, than to try to outline the possible development of a committed activist psychic high school pro-chastity that suddenly is forced to deal, in spite of himself, with this new weapon dangerous and controversial.
The cast has not established actors but looks good overall, especially considering the quality of the film anything but sublime. A cut above other interpretations of the young protagonist Dawn (Jess Weixler ) and stepbrother Brad (John Hensley ). In Italy
Teeth was released in late August and has not yet attracted much fanfare, mainly because of the expected distribution in small and our own cinema in the capital in particular.
E 'duty to finally advise to anyone watching the film or the sin of poor reasoning was weak stomach, but in any case drawn a sigh of relief, the vagina dentata does not exist.
Valerio Ferri
Friday, August 15, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Do Tv Ratings Count Dvr?
Tratto da “Lucky Luciano – Intrighi, maneggi e scandali del padrone del calcio italiano Luciano Moggi”, Ala Sinistra e Mezzala Destra, Kaos Edizioni (Un libro scritto in joint-venture da tre giornalisti sportivi, che hanno preferito l’anonimato, e da Marco Travaglio)Calcio, camorra e cocainaAlcuni degli incredibili retroscena che hanno caratterizzato il quadriennio 1987-90 della squadra partenopea diretta da Moggi emergono alcuni anni dopo, grazie a un’inchiesta giudiziaria avviata dalla Procura della Repubblica di Napoli. Il 12 gennaio 1995 vengono arrestati due camorristi, Rosario Viglione e Vincenzo Buondonno; il manager di Maradona, Guillermo Coppola, evita l’arresto dandosi alla latitanza in Sudamerica. Tutto nasce dalle ammissioni di due pentiti della camorra: Pietro Pugliese, ex autista del fuoriclasse argentino, e Mario Fienga, ex narcotrafficante. I due raccontano di grandi “sniffate” collettive con alcuni calciatori del Napoli: droga-party in locali notturni molto simili a postriboli, ma anche nelle abitazioni di boss come i Giuliano e i Lo Russo, e a bordo di navi (come la “Achille Lauro”) e yacht privati. Lunghe piste di “neve” con le quali alcuni giocatori del Napoli festeggiavano le vittorie e dimenticavano le sconfitte. «Secondo l’accusa, Coppola was able to sell the world's most famous foot [Maradona, ed] to the Camorra, who turned it into a toxic by luxury housing and a trinket to show off in public. But the pot comes out smelling something else. " Jump off a dozen names of the players approached the Neapolitan around the cocaine over to Diego, Crippa, De Napoli, Carnival, Ferrara, Francini, Mauro Ferrario, Careca, Giordano, billiards, Puzone ... "They all appeared before the judges of the Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate, interviewed with their wives and, in some cases, with the father. As witnesses, is unclear, although some of them listed as "consumers" more or less habitual drug. "Francini is the former granata che Moggi si è portato appresso dal Toro al Napoli. Ferrara è il terzino del Napoli e della Nazionale che Moggi porterà con sé alla Juventus. Giordano è l’attaccante ex laziale che era stato fra i protagonisti dello scandalo scommesse scoppiato nella Lazio. Pure e semplici coincidenze, si capisce: perché di tutto quel giro di cocaina intorno ai suoi giocatori, alcuni dei quali suoi amici personali, Lucianone non ha mai saputo niente. E infatti l’inchiesta giudiziaria nemmeno lo sfiora. Fra i calciatori partenopei coinvolti nello scandalo, «avrebbero ammesso [l’uso di cocaina] Crippa e Francini, riscontri “forti” graverebbero su De Napoli, Renica, Bigliardi e Carnevale, sugli altri la polizia is carrying out further tests. " Maradona and Pugliese, accused of drug trafficking along with Coppola and brought to Rome, will be acquitted in December 1995. But the fact that those rivers flowed into the house of coca Naples is not the slightest doubt. Possible that the Director-General, the liaison between the company and the team, the man of the dressing room, the buddy-confidant-advisor of the players, in short, the attentive and occhiutissimo Luciano Moggi, has never noticed anything? , not even an item never arrived, never had even a suspicion? Strange, very strange, since even knew all the city's mayor, Nello Polese: "What took Maradona the drug was known for some time. " Yet Big Luciano - naive as it is - he did not know anything. Never a suspect, never a voice, no nothing. The two Camorra regretted not speaking only of drugs. They also speak - and especially - of lots combined, and a nice shield in extremis from Naples to Milan, in 1988, because the gangs that control the illegal Toto wanted it. This is the most interesting chapter of the investigation of the Naples prosecutors Luigi Luigi Bobbio and Gay. Also because if the assumptions accusations are confirmed, would constitute an illegal sports as big as Vesuvius. The background is in the 1987 championship, won by Napoli Maradona (but not yet Moggi), without being the Juve players on the decline. At year end, the "Journal of Naples" and "Il Sole-24 Ore" ran stories on the front page: "The title hits the Camorra of Naples." The explanation is simple: on the wings of thousands of Neapolitans were rushed to bet large sums on the victory of the blue team at the underground betting bookmaker, which in these parts is run by some Camorra gangs. Which, at the end of the season, they had to pay several billion winnings. The following season, only in the first round, the Camorra had accepted bets for 20 billion on the new victory of Naples, with shares up to one-to-thirteen "(who punta un milione ne vince 13): in pratica, se lo scudetto l’avesse rivinto il Napoli, i bookmaker della malavita avrebbero dovuto sborsare qualcosa come 260 miliardi. Una prospettiva che atterriva i capiclan, i quali proprio dal Totonero (oltre che dalla droga) ricavano gran parte dei loro guadagni. Per questo “era necessario” che il Napoli perdesse lo scudetto 1987-88: per recuperare i quattrini perduti l’anno precedente, e per evitare un nuovo salasso. A dicembre l’auto di Maradona, sebbene supersorvegliata, era stata danneggiata; negli stessi giorni Salvatore Bagni – l’altro calciatore simbolo della squadra scudettata – aveva subìto due furti in casa e uno in auto. Messaggi camorristici? Chi può dirlo. Sta di fatto che, dopo 25 giornate da primato, la trionfale galoppata del Napoli verso la riconquista dello scudetto si era interrotta nella primavera 1988 in modo brusco e inspiegabile. Intervistato dal “Corriere della Sera” nel marzo del 1994, un anonimo scommettitore rivelerà: «Già prima della sconfitta con il Milan, quella del 1° maggio, fu chiaro tutto. Quando il Napoli cominciò a perdere punti di vantaggio in poche partite, dopo averne accumulati così tanti durante il campionato, noi del giro intuimmo che si era venduto lo scudetto. La vittoria del Napoli veniva data a mezzo quando la squadra di Maradona aveva ancora 5 punti di vantaggio. Una quota bestiale, folle: giocando un milione te ne davano cinque. Era chiaramente a gift. Everybody played, they put millions upon millions, the risk seemed minimal. " A system that seemed made for attracting crowds of plucking chickens, then the sudden collapse of Naples: "Many people we resumed tens of millions." Bookmakers, however, earned tens of miliardi.Il drug trafficker Rosario Viglione, after his arrest, told judges not to know anything about the business of underground betting. But he adds that, after losing the championship in that incredible way, some players went to Naples vent with him, and told him that the combine-game championship was the result of an agreement for the summit: President Neapolitan Ferlaino gave way to the championship Berlusconi in return for some Milan Real Estate 3. But the players were in agreement? According to Viglione, no, but adds: "My friends told me that the players were badly trained, and pooped well before the big games." Tutt'affatto different version of the repentant Peter Pugliese. The Camorra bookmakers, according to him, got to do and how. "Yes, cocaine has to do with this [the league lost from Napoli, ed], ec'entra well as the Camorra. But then there were also different interests. There was a political agreement to do to lose the Scudetto Napoli. Ferlaino was the victim of a political friendship ... I told all the magistrates in November. Continue to speak only of cocaine and the Camorra it suits someone. " E aggiunge: «Maradona ha usato continuativamente la cocaina per sette anni, eppure è risultato positivo al doping soltanto dopo l’ultimo anno [il 17 marzo 1991, ndr]. È un fatto molto singolare, di cui bisognerebbe chiedere conto a Matarrese». Pugliese riferisce anche ciò che gli raccontò Salvatore Lo Russo, un suo compare e amico di Secondigliano. Lo Russo gli avrebbe detto che Berlusconi teneva a quello scudetto del 1988 «per motivi di immagine», e che per vincerlo non esitò a rivolgersi al suo amico Bettino Craxi, che ne avrebbe parlato con la Trimurti del Caf napoletano: Antonio Gava, Paolo Cirino Pomicino e Giulio Di Donato. I tre, «forti dei loro saldi legami » con ambienti dell’illegalità campana, si sarebbero mossi e alla fine, complice la camorra, il Napoli «riuscì a esaudire le aspettative di Berlusconi».Ferlaino smentisce sdegnato: «Non è vero niente, io per rivincere lo scudetto avrei pagato anche 100 miliardi!». Anche Berlusconi nega: «Sono assurdità tali che non vale nemmeno la pena di smentirle». Ma intervistato da “Panorama” nel febbraio 1995, Pugliese dice ancora di più: «Allo stadio San Paolo comandavamo noi: la camorra Spa», la quale gestiva direttamente il bagarinaggio, i biglietti di tribuna e gli abbonamenti. Pugliese si sarebbe affacciato nel mondo del calcio grazie alla presentazione di un uomo politico e di un magistrato: «Il senatore missino Antonio Rakes [next president of the Campania Region for the Polo, ed], and the judge Charles Leaf, who is my cousin ... They took me by the President Ferlaino ... a few days later he sent for me and I with the administration of his construction company. " The names of Pugliese facts about the "political plan" that would lead to the fraudulent defeat of Napoli and the subsequent victory of AC Milan are all in a report dated 19 November 1994 and drafted by an officer of the Guardia di Finanza. A statement, however - after careful investigation - will not find any confirmation, and will therefore be stored as unreliable. Remains clear is some factual certain situations relating to 1987-88 unexpectedly lost the Scudetto from Naples and surprisingly won by AC Milan, which make plausible the worst sospetti.Il first element is the indisputable threats that after the incredible defeat, the players began to be more representative of Naples. Threats, according to many, aimed at avoiding any "regrets" and admissions. Some reminds Pugliese, "A Maradona robbed trophies and jewelry he had in the bank. It was a warning, then give it back. I myself accompanied eight times at the home of Salvatore Lo Russo, who was then under house arrest, during the negotiations for him to recover the stolen goods. Then there is the story of the son of Salvatore Bagni: il bambino morì in un incidente stradale e dopo qualche tempo la salma fu portata via [trafugata dal cimitero, ndr]. Anche quello fu un avvertimento e io l’ho spiegato ai magistrati. Non era mai successo che qualcuno pigliasse una creatura da sottoterra. E il corpo non è mai stato trovato, né sono stati pagati soldi. Un movente vero non c’era, se non quello che io conosco bene. Volevano farli tacere...». Il 26 ottobre 1989 alcuni rapinatori avevano svaligiato le cassette di sicurezza della Banca di Provincia, compresa quella dove Maradona teneva i suoi trofei 26. Tre clan si erano poi attivati per fargli riavere il tesoro, che alla fine era stato riconsegnato al legittimo proprietario. I magistrati hanno tentato di interrogare Maradona su quegli disconcerting episodes, but he did not appear. The second finding certain contacts are some players of Napoli - Maradona therefore not the only - with some of the Neapolitan Camorra boss: relationships and contacts is shown by photographs taken by staff in the Naples Police Department, both from the admissions of the parties concerned. Dozens of photos immortalize the champions Argentina in the company of chieftains, beginning with his friend Carmine Giuliano. We have the testimony of some players (and their spouses) who admit to having attended a number of houses and boats boss, with or without contours of cocaine as the party held - the second wife of Renica - by the head cheerleader Gennaro Montuori said "Palummella" home bosses forks, Giuliano, to celebrate with "snow slopes," the second title of 1990. Or like the other "party" referred to his wife Francine, decorated for the occasion by brothers Lo Russo, boss of the clan of Capitoni. Relations between the boss of the Naples Camorra and players so blatant as to leave banned. Yet the director of the Naples team, the attentive Moggi, not if they have never noticed. Great snorted drugs, large parties at home of the mafia, of which the team manager, the knowledgeable Moggi, has never known anything. Intimidation, rumors, suspicions about a lost title from Naples to "force majeure" but scaltrissimo Big Luciano has never seen or heard anything. Congratulations.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Does Carisoprodol Make You Tired

Thursday, June 19, 2008
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What was the most shameful thing that you had to endure while in your short life?
Friday, June 13, 2008
Ankle Ligament Reconstruction Surgery

Reminiscent Artificial fun. The property has undergone almost no change from the past: three new stereotypes of the human personality for three different life stories, but in a new social context that is now being even more labyrinthine than their predecessors and anti-emptied " Bianco, rosso e Verdone ”, “Viaggi di Nozze” e “Un sacco bello”.
Ciò che salta subito all’occhio è una forte interrelazione con le precedenti creazioni dell’attore-regista romano: un’influenza che nei tr atti salienti della pellicola sembra assumere persino una forma di profonda dipedenza da essi e sulla quale il regista riesce ad ironizzare abilmente, come nell’emblematico “ (ri)famolo strano” dell’ultimo episodio. Soggetto e sceneggiatura restano ancora una volta asciutti e lineari, come tradizione verdoniana vuole; tuttavia la grande maggioranza degli sketch sembra rocking too much on the past, living in King ndita in an era which, in their little suit, without a genuine renewal of the St. istic and a more explicit and popular comedy. Consequently, the nostalgic smell that mpregna the atmosphere of the film may be treated to you stifling for those who have known Fr rdone tut you in the sauces, but its not a historical (and Stoic) admirer, while it should c omunque rip a variable number of giggles common observer, in proportion to s uo status and its propensity to gender.
deserves a special mention to the actor Verdone, now with a wealth of maturity and experience greater in front of his camera, although inevitably misfit in various circumstances where the mix of past and present appeared forced and unnatural in the least complex the film.
The feeling remains that of a short déjà vu strongly backed by commercial nostalgic fans of Verdone (at the same time the authors of the title), a kind of self-celebratory tribute to an artist who knew how to tell stories common through irony and a sarcastic humor typical of the cine-roman, which identifies the true founder and Deaf tut tora the highest exponent.

Valerio Ferri
Friday, June 6, 2008
Best Sail For A Sunfish
the symbolism is what 'which reassures us, religion is the opium of the people , are the objects for someone else to represent the lifeline
Saturday, May 31, 2008
How To Make Scroll Invitations
Ernest Hemingway said that the best thing he wrote was a story very short, just six words: "I sell baby shoes. Never use".