I come to know, almost by chance, a way to support the initiative:
"Necro.it is the site dedicated to Necro magazine, a publication of the staff The Canvas Black intends to bring in the best Italian comics since the early months of 2007. The magazine is a publication devoted primarily to the various forms of art-related death: cinema, comics, literature, music, photography and illustration. Space for interviews, news, insights, reviews, stories, comics and art galleries. "
For more info, take a leap here, it's worth: http://www.necro.it/

Among other things, in this period was opened an interesting contest:
"The competition is open to all and is composed of nine sections. You can join multiple sections at once and more elaborate for each section. There is no limit to the number of papers enter the competition.
Section 01 - Review Literary
Section 02 - Review Film
Section 03 - Dossier Serial Killer
Section 04 - Monsters & Co.
Section 05 - Myths, legends, folklore
Section 06 - Weird Bio
Section 07 - Metal World
Section 08 - Photography Gothic
Section 09 - Fantastic Illustration
L and best works (in addition to being rewarded with books, DVDs and gadgets) will then be published on line on the black canvas, in the sections already existing ( Cinema, Books , Serial Killer) or in the sections under construction.
Here is the notice: http://www.latelanera.com/premiolatelanera/

Finally, one last tip: to to drop even nell'attivissimo forum di questo portale. Davvero prodigo di info e di inziative legate alla cultura fantastica: http://latelanera.forumfree.net/
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