"Suicide seems like the action more personal that an individual can do and that is to be seen as a tough challenge to the world around him. At a certain point in its history, the man discovered that besides being able to kill other human beings and animals had the opportunity to kill himself: From that moment the attitude he had about death and life was never the stesso.Non we will never know they were old men who in time included (and executed) to be able to end his life by his own hand, he reasons that prompted him to act so definitively, the fact remains that suicide is always present in society and in ancient mythology.
In Egypt Pharaoh was "allowed" to commit suicide at the senior level so guilty escaped a death ignomignosa, Queen Cleopatra, Octavian escapes the prison by taking a ritual suicide: making bite dall'aspide = uraeus sacred through divine deifying his person stepping up to the Egyptian Pantheon.
In Norse mythology, Wotan accepts only those in Walhalla who have died violently: the warriors and suicide, he committed suicide: Hanging is called by the Lord of the tradition of 'Havannah (seems to have been killed in this way). Another tradition wants suicide (with his sword).
Ixtab Among the Maya, "The Lady of the rope"-was hanging by a noose-represented, was the goddess of suicide, and they went into a paradise just because they were considered sacred.

Ancient Greece initially seems to have an attitude of revulsion against suicide; i1 corpse was in fact deprived of his right hand and buried elsewhere, while the body was buried outside the walls of the polis; also the root meaning of the word suicide AUTOKTONIA maintains an emotional value = "high" if the death is similar to the murder of relatives.
On the other hand all the dissertations on the ancient vision of suicide are marked by a profound calmness and balance: the suicide is a personal choice though serious, but in no way such a gesture would be an insult to the gods and the ' boost to his death was to be noble and glorious Miletus in the Senate opposed to an epidemic of suicides of young girls and teenagers because they were considered unnecessary.
In contrast to Massilia if a citizen could justify his choice of death was given the run of at the expense of stato.In thus the problem of suicide is moved optics: no longer if but how to do it and do it with the greatest possible dignity.
And 'This is the concept of suicide that is passed to the Romans who introduced what were to be eclectic, emotional content to a suicidal gesture: killing is not evil, there is no taboo on the voluntary death, and this becomes a test case of courage and''virtus "Latin America: the Japanese seppuku was born from an identical ideological.
The Bible in the Old Testament gives no condemnation of suicide and also condemned the murder in Cain and human sacrifice (albeit involuntary) Jephthah and four suicides are reported: Saul and his squire, Samson, and Abimeloch Achitofel.I1 New Testament shows the suicide of Judas Iscariot, but the scope is ambiguous or at least lends itself to an interpretation contrary to that given by the back commentators : The act of Judas is seen as a catharsis that takes place in the final act in search of a ransom to the real action, murder: the betrayal of Christ will be only after the fourth century AD that the Church condemns suicide.
It 's the need to react to the excesses of those who seek martyrdom and excesses that will force the Donatists S. Augustine and then the other bishops to condemn Christians suicide as a crime in itself because it is contrary to the divine prohibition not to kill: rather, who kills himself is a double murderess as a killer of himself and denier of God's gift which is life.
In 533 AD the Synod of Orleans decide to deny funeral rites to suicides put on trial, that of Prague in 562 AD denies funeral rites to all the suicides and 693 in Toledo will be taken not to bury the resolution of most suicides in hallowed ground and to excommunicate those who are victims of themselves and those who attack c fails.
E 'from that moment that death is to take those datas dark outlines and anxiety that still trouble us and disturbing. "
From: http://www.neurolinguistic.com/proxima/articoli/art-34.htm