Thursday, August 26, 2010

Gay Meeting Places Goa

Cusio Woman Special 2010! Captain Mat

Anche qiuest'anno CUSIO WOMAN , beniamina della VCO FORCE e Testimonial ufficiale della Festa di San Vito di Omegna 2010 , is the protagonist of an adventure printed on special 40,000 placemats distributed in August and September in the local agreement Omegna, Orta, Borgomanero, Novara and neighbors.
Episode (Subject, screenplay, lyrics: Fabrizio De Fabritiis - Drawings. Andrea Meneghin - Colors: Andrea "Ash2" Peron ) is titled "IGNIS" reveals something more about the beautiful Sonia Beltrami, alias Cusio Woman ...
Try and collect the beautiful placemats!
The episode will also be reissued prossimamente su Capitan Novara Magazine !

Philips Saa7130hl Vista

NOVARA EPISODE 32! Placemats

Ecco il nuovo episodio di CAPITAN NOVARA ... in distribuzione dal 10 agosto 2010 insieme all'episodio speciale di CUSIO WOMAN per San Vito 2010!!!


Storia, sceneggiatura e testi: FABRIZIO DE FABRITIIS - Disegni: AURELIO MAZZARA - Colors: ANDREA "ASH" PERON

ARONA, and VARESE CAPITAN GENERAL NOVARA REPRINT will be distributed by September 1 , along with a special episode of JADE GIARDIA , the beautiful journalist Novara Channel and star in the adventures of ARONA .

Soon all the info ... stay tuned!