Dear friends and fans of your favorite Captain, this is a particularly busy time for all team members and Capitan Novara. In fact, soon, there will be many changes and large news that "disrupt" the world Capitan Novara.
First, the captain will finally have a new and incredible website with lots of features and services in more than all his more and more fans! The new site will be ready by May 2010 ... you still have to wait a second, but we assure you, will not be disappointed;)! In frattempop, you can follow all the news directly on Capitan Novara su questo blog e sulla sua pagina Facebook.
In secondo luogo, è in lavorazione un'avventura speciale di 16 pagine di Capitan Novara insieme all'Agente Smithers e Comandante Italia, relizzata dalla bravissima Michela Da Sacco (disegni), dallo sfavillante Michele Nucera (colori). Il soggetto e la sceneggiatura sono, ovviamente, del mitico Fabrizio De Fabritiis .
In terzo luogo, come i fan più accaniti già sanno, è in lavorazione l'avvincente graphic-novel su Romabot Centurion , uno spin-off tratto dalla serie robotica di General Varese . Il volume narra le vicende del superobot guardiano of Rome, the Centurion Romabot precisely, and most importantly, its pilot Remo Mariani, struggling against the invaders A-NUN-NAK . Subject, screenplay and lyrics are Fabrizio De Fabritiis , while the designs and colors are Daniel Rudolph. You can follow the news about Romabot Blog http://romabot.blogspot.com/
Finally, we are working on a new project for now top secret, but which, in short, give succulent advances ...
Always follow your Captain ... will not regret it!